Rhinoceros Iguana

rhinoceros iguanaThe Rhinoceros Iguana like the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana is a threatened species.

This particular type of reptile is found in the Caribbean on the island of Hispaniola, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Most of the population lives in the southern parts of the Dominican Republic, small portions of them can also be found in Haiti.

They can be found near coastlines although in certain areas they have been forced to move inland due to human development.

Why are they call Rhino Iguana?

rhino iguana headThese very cool looking lizards get there name because of two distinct features.

The first is they have a body that is plated and thick skinned much like a rhino.

The next reason is for the small “horn” on the end of the animals snout which looks like a small version of a real rhino horn.

These two characteristics make this iguana resemble a small version of the actual rhino we all know and love.

How big is the Rhinoceros Iguana?

The rhino iguana length can vary from 2 feet long to 54 inches in a full grown adult. Furthermore, adults can weigh anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds!

They are a heavy bodied animal much like the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana and have a tough, thick skin.

They have a long flattened tail and heavy, strong legs that make them one of the stronger iguanas.

Owning This Type of Iguana

When it comes to owning one of these animals as a pet there is some risk involved. Some animals kept in captivity do just fine and make for amazing pets but others never seem to tame well and can actually be dangerous.

baby rhinoceros iguanaGetting bit by one of these animals could cause serious harm depending on where the bite is and the size of the animal.

If you’re going to keep one as a pet then its best to keep them in a large, outdoor enclosure. This type of enclosure is best because the animal can get direct sunlight and bask in high temperatures.

When the temperatures get to be a little bit colder like on cloudy days and at night, its a good idea to have a hiding box that is heated that the iguana can go into.

So, if you live in an area where it gets cold and you have a winter, then its best to go with a different breed.

What does the Rhinoceros Iguana Eat?

This iguana does best on a diet of plants, like most other iguana. If you own one then you want to feed it a combination of greens and fruits.

The greens include mustard greens, collard greens, romaine lettuce, parsley and other leafy greens. For fruit you can use mango, papaya and figs.

Videos Of the Rhinoceros Iguana

Check out how cool these Iguanas can be as pets in the two short videos below:

Rhino Iguana Overview

In the wild these animals are coming close to being endangered, as of now they are classified as threatened. Owning one of them can be a gamble but can also be very rewarding.

If you do decide to keep one as a pet remember that they need a very large enclosure, outside is best. When they’re babies be sure to work with them and get them tame before they grow into adults.

These Iguana are smart, have good hearing, a good sense of smell and exceptional vision.

Like all reptiles kept in captivity they require a lot of attention and care. If you want to bring one home expect to take care of it for as long as 20 years in some cases. If you feel that’s to much of a commitment then you may want to get something other than a rhinoceros iguana.